

Directly edit the intensities within an image from the command-line


mredit [ options ]  input[ output ]
  • input: the input image
  • output: the (optional) output image


A range of options are provided to enable direct editing of voxel intensities based on voxel / real-space coordinates. If only one image path is provided, the image will be edited in-place (use at own risk); if input and output image paths are provided, the output will contain the edited image, and the original image will not be modified in any way.


  • -plane axis coord value fill one or more planes on a particular image axis
  • -sphere position radius value draw a sphere with radius in mm
  • -voxel position value change the image value within a single voxel
  • -scanner indicate that coordinates are specified in scanner space, rather than as voxel coordinates

Standard options

  • -info display information messages.
  • -quiet do not display information messages or progress status. Alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non-empty string.
  • -debug display debugging messages.
  • -force force overwrite of output files. Caution: Using the same file as input and output might cause unexpected behaviour.
  • -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading).
  • -help display this information page and exit.
  • -version display version information and exit.

Author: Robert E. Smith (

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008-2018 the MRtrix3 contributors.

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at

MRtrix3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

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