

Perform B1 field inhomogeneity correction for a DWI volume series


dwibiascorrect input output [ options ]
  • input: The input image series to be corrected
  • output: The output corrected image series


Options for the dwibiascorrect script

  • -mask Manually provide a mask image for bias field estimation
  • -bias Output the estimated bias field
  • -ants Use ANTS N4 to estimate the inhomogeneity field
  • -fsl Use FSL FAST to estimate the inhomogeneity field
  • -grad Pass the diffusion gradient table in MRtrix format
  • -fslgrad bvecs bvals Pass the diffusion gradient table in FSL bvecs/bvals format

Options for ANTS N4BiasFieldCorrection

  • -ants.b [100,3] N4BiasFieldCorrection option -b. [initial mesh resolution in mm, spline order] This value is optimised for human adult data and needs to be adjusted for rodent data.
  • -ants.c [1000,0.0] N4BiasFieldCorrection option -c. [numberOfIterations,convergenceThreshold]
  • -ants.s 4 N4BiasFieldCorrection option -s. shrink-factor applied to spatial dimensions

Standard options

  • -continue <TempDir> <LastFile> Continue the script from a previous execution; must provide the temporary directory path, and the name of the last successfully-generated file
  • -force Force overwrite of output files if pre-existing
  • -help Display help information for the script
  • -nocleanup Do not delete temporary files during script, or temporary directory at script completion
  • -nthreads number Use this number of threads in MRtrix multi-threaded applications (0 disables multi-threading)
  • -tempdir /path/to/tmp/ Manually specify the path in which to generate the temporary directory
  • -quiet Suppress all console output during script execution
  • -info Display additional information and progress for every command invoked
  • -debug Display additional debugging information over and above the output of -info


  • If using -fast option: Zhang, Y.; Brady, M. & Smith, S. Segmentation of brain MR images through a hidden Markov random field model and the expectation-maximization algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2001, 20, 45-57
  • If using -fast option: Smith, S. M.; Jenkinson, M.; Woolrich, M. W.; Beckmann, C. F.; Behrens, T. E.; Johansen-Berg, H.; Bannister, P. R.; De Luca, M.; Drobnjak, I.; Flitney, D. E.; Niazy, R. K.; Saunders, J.; Vickers, J.; Zhang, Y.; De Stefano, N.; Brady, J. M. & Matthews, P. M. Advances in functional and structural MR image analysis and implementation as FSL. NeuroImage, 2004, 23, S208-S219
  • If using -ants option: Tustison, N.; Avants, B.; Cook, P.; Zheng, Y.; Egan, A.; Yushkevich, P. & Gee, J. N4ITK: Improved N3 Bias Correction. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2010, 29, 1310-1320

Author: Robert E. Smith (robert.smith@florey.edu.au)

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008-2018 the MRtrix3 contributors.

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MRtrix3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

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