Welcome to the MRtrix user documentation!ΒΆ
MRtrix provides a set of tools to perform diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tractography in the presence of crossing fibres, using Constrained Spherical Deconvolution (Tournier et al.. 2004; Tournier et al. 2007), and a probabilisitic streamlines algorithm (Tournier et al., 2012). These applications have been written from scratch in C++, using the functionality provided by Eigen, and Qt. The software is currently capable of handling DICOM, NIfTI and AnalyseAVW image formats, amongst others. The source code is distributed under the Mozilla Public License.
- Key features
- Configuration
- Images and other data
- Command-line usage
- List of MRtrix3 commands
- 5tt2gmwmi
- 5tt2vis
- 5ttedit
- afdconnectivity
- amp2sh
- connectome2tck
- dcmedit
- dcminfo
- dirflip
- dirgen
- dirmerge
- dirorder
- dirsplit
- dirstat
- dwi2adc
- dwi2fod
- dwi2mask
- dwi2noise
- dwi2tensor
- dwiextract
- dwinormalise
- fixel2sh
- fixel2tsf
- fixel2voxel
- fixelcfestats
- fixelcorrespondence
- fixeldivide
- fixelmult
- fixelstats
- fixelthreshold
- fod2dec
- fod2fixel
- label2colour
- label2mesh
- labelconfig
- maskfilter
- mesh2pve
- meshconvert
- meshfilter
- mrcalc
- mrcat
- mrclusterstats
- mrconvert
- mrcrop
- mrfilter
- mrinfo
- mrmath
- mrmesh
- mrpad
- mrresize
- mrstats
- mrthreshold
- mrtransform
- mrview
- msdwi2fod
- peaks2amp
- sh2amp
- sh2peaks
- sh2power
- sh2response
- shbasis
- shconv
- shview
- tck2connectome
- tckconvert
- tckedit
- tckgen
- tckglobal
- tckinfo
- tckmap
- tcknormalise
- tcksample
- tcksift
- tcksift2
- tckstats
- tensor2metric
- transformcalc
- tsfdivide
- tsfinfo
- tsfmult
- tsfsmooth
- tsfthreshold
- voxel2fixel
- warpcorrect
- warpinit
- Scripts for external libraries
- Troubleshooting